Here are a number of publications by the Society relating to the history of the village. By John Pringle Reid (1862-1930), they are:
The Skipper’s Daughters
This novel is set during Aberlady’s legendary smuggling days. As very few copies of the original publication remain in circulation, the novel is now being serialised here. It may be freely downloaded for all those with an interest in Aberlady’s rich and colourful past. The image to the right is the ship in full sail seen above the entrance to the Old Ship Inn, the focus of much of the story’s activities. The Skipper, Jamie Smith, lies interred in Aberlady’s old kirkyard.
Facts and Fancies: Old Aberlady in Poetry and Song
Here readers will find a selection of the many poems and songs of the village that were penned by John Pringle Reid. JPR was a well-known poet in his days and we are very fortunate indeed that through his skills, and his fondness for the village and its characters, that we are able to access through his words the days of Old Aberlady. These wonderful works are made freely available.
Chiel o’ the Clachan: An Aberlady Boyhood 1862-1875
This is an autobiographical account of a schoolboy growing up in the village during the period described in the title. Written when the author was still a teenager, and beautifully illustrated, it offers an intriguing glimpse, through eyes untinted by the passage of time, of a rural way of life and traditions now sadly passed from living memory.
The image on the front cover is of two of Aberlady’s 19thC Hogmanay guisers.
It is a fascinating read. An extract is available here.
A Historical Guide to Aberlady
This is a re-publication of a historical guide to the village. An extract is available here.
At £8.99 each, or £15 for both, the latter two publications are available from retail outlets within the village or, if you wish, may be posted to your home address. You may contact us.
Illustrations Copyright (C) Sally J Collins (