
The latest news for and from the East Lothian Heritage Forum members:

Heritage Explorer Booklet – Heritage Explorer East Lothian

East Lothian Council Archaeology Service has published the Heritage Explorer, a booklet celebrating the rich heritage of East Lothian. The booklet provides an outline of the archaeology and history of the county, from the prehistoric period to the recent past. Over 100 sites to see or visit have been included, with descriptions, photos and maps. Explore standing stones, hillforts and castles, find out about battlesites and churches, and discover harbours, gardens and doocots. It is just what is needed to help you get out and about in the county, and to discover the heritage on your doorstep!
The Heritage Explorer is on sale for £4, available from libraries and museums, or email to order a copy.

Digging into the Past: 800 years at Prestongrange

A popular booklet describing the results of the Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project and the history of Prestongrange is now available along with a DVD.

This booklet marks the completion of the highly successful Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project. The project has always been very keen to leave behind some form of legacy and this booklet, together with on site interpretation material, hopes to have achieved that. Through the voices of different members of the project team, this booklet describes the history of Prestongrange since the 13th century; how the landscape has changed and evolved; the different industries that have taken place; the different people that have lived and worked at Prestongrange, and; what the archaeological fieldwork has discovered.

Accompanying the booklet is a DVD, which contains a number of short films. The films document the progress of the project; the stories of four local residents who used to live and work at Prestongrange, plus; takes a look behind the scenes of a community archaeology project to ask volunteers and professionals, alike, what it was like to be a part of the project. Packed full of photographs, illustrations and short quotes from team members, this is a fun, informative booklet and should be of interest to both young and old, alike.

Copies of the booklet can be found at the Prestongrange Visitor Centre or local libraries, or email to order a copy. Booklets are priced at £4.95.