General Information

General information:

The garden is open almost every day of the year but with restricted winter hours from November to February. See gate signs for details of opening and closures especially over the Christmas and New Year period or when it is closed to the general public for special events. All four gates are locked at other times and a security watch is in operation. A CCTV camera operates in the car park and the Community Police patrol regularly. Ball games, cycles and dogs are not permitted.

To use the garden for special functions, such as for weddings or wedding photographs, or for general enquiries concerning guided walks:
Tel. 01620 810200 – or email:
For donations to help maintain and develop the garden:
Tel. 01620 810200 – or email:

Haddington Garden Trust is a Scottish Charity, registered number SC014078.

The Haddington Garden Trust consists of:

Patron The Dowager Duchess of Hamilton
Trustees Chairman Michael Williams MBE, Brian Cox, The Duchess of Hamilton, Mark Hedderwick and Roger Kirby
Executive Garden Committee Chairman John Sheldon MBE, Chris Avery, Brian Cox [Trustee], Andrew Hogarth [East Lothian Council], Sheena Richardson, Pamela Roberts, Louise Begbie, Fiona Ross [representing the tenant of Haddington House-Savills], Niven Simpson [Lennoxlove Estate], Jamie Crichton [Lamp of Lothian], Cllr John McMillan [East Lothian Council], Jan Wilson MBE [Haddington Community Council] and Bobby Gordon [gardener]
Community Garden Committee  Chairman John Sheldon MBE, Chris Avery, Brian Cox [Trustee], Julie Gordon, Louise Begbie, Avril Lyon, Stewart Macrae [St Mary's Church], Sheena Richardson, Pamela Roberts, Fiona Ross [representing the tenant of Haddington House], Anthea Skea, Jan Wilson MBE [Haddington Community Council] and Bobby Gordon [gardener].

Charity No. SC014078