There is always scope for volunteers to assist in the garden. The Trust can provide gloves and all the gardening tools you could possibly need, but volunteers should have their own suitable gardening clothes and footwear.
The garden is open most days of the year, and on weekdays the gardener is at hand to get volunteers started and to keep an eye on operations.
Volunteers are most active in the spring and autumn. In the spring, duties include light pruning and hoeing of the cottage and sunken gardens, rose border (pictured) and herb beds.
In the autumn, there are leaves to be collected, mulch distributed, hedges to be cut and roses pruned. The laburnum walk requires much attention annually to keep it in shape.
To become a volunteer, enquire during working hours to the gardener (Bobby Gordon)
Tel: 07925 679 505 or enquire at other times to 01620 810200.
Garden Biodiversity
The garden is a haven for wildlife. The range of plants grown attracts a wide variety of fauna. Hedgehog, field mouse, grey squirrel, toad, and many varieties of birds have been recorded.
Mallard, wood pigeon, collared dove and several species of smaller birds regularly nest in the garden. To augment the natural habitats bird and bat boxes have been introduced.
The orchard and cottage garden attract bees, wasps, butterflies, beetles and other insects. A ladybird survey (pictured) was undertaken as part of Scottish Bio-diversity Week.